Current Projects


Principle Investigator



Job Demands and Resources of Public Sector Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining the Role of Public Service Motivation, Servant Leadership, and Mission Valence 

Phil Dillulio (Dissertation)

Use the JD-R model to examine the role of COVID-19-related hindrance job demands and the resources of public service motivation, servant leadership, and mission valence on employee job performance through job burnout and work engagement.

Public sector Employees

Living a Calling During COVID-19: A Resource Gain Perspective 


Examining living a calling as a resource that is useful for gaining other resources that help individuals adapt to work changes during COVID-19 and experience lower levels of job strain. 


Zooming in on University Employees' Job Demands and Resources During COVID-19

Drake, Phil, Miranda

Examining the interactive effects of pertinent job demands and resources on job burnout and positive job attitudes among university employees. 

University employees

JDC(S) in Action Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic

Miranda (Thesis)

Investigating the change and role of job demands and resources for gym employees and professional martial artists throughout the COVID-19 pandemic using a two-wave study.

Gym employees and professional martial artists

University Students' Perceived Threat and Harm During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kate & Jaylynn

Measuring perceived harm and threat to educational outcomes based on several risk factors, such as course load, employment status, transfer student status, and other demographic factors. 

ODU students

Merging Campbell's Determinants of Performance and the Job Demands-Resource Model


Multi-study project working toward merging Campbell's job performance model into the JD-R framework.

ODU students

The Impact of Work Readiness on Burnout, Engagement, and Job Performance


Evaluating impact of work readiness (confidence, competence, motivation, & ability to adapt) on burnout, work engagement, and job performance. 

Washington State employees 

Inclusivity, Privacy, and Utility in Self-Generated Identification Codes

LEAD Team 

Evaluating different question options for self-generated identification codes that allow inclusivity and privacy while also still being useful in linking unique participants in anonymous longitudinal data. 

ODU students 

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