Recent Journal Publications (Since 2015)
Warnock, K. N., Cigularov, K. P. , & Katz, I. M. (in press). Experiences of thriving and burnout in working college students during COVID-19: The moderating effect of embeddedness. Current Psychology.
Terry, J. D., & Cigularov, K. P. (2022). Living a calling during COVID-19: A resource gain perspective. Journal of Career Development, 49(6), 1419-1434.
Terry, J. D., & Cunningham, C. J. L. (2020). Some rest for the weary? A qualitative analysis of clergy methods for managing demands. Journal of Religion and Health. Advance online publication.
Terry, J. D., & Cunningham, C. J. L. (2020). The sacred and stressed: Testing a model of clergy health. Journal of Religion and Health, 59, 1541-1566.
Cigularov, K. P., & Dillulio, P. (2020). Does rater job position matter in training needs assessment? A study of municipal employees in the USA. International Journal of Training and Development, 24(4), 337-356.
Major, D. A., Cigularov, K. P., Litano, M. L., Streets, V. N., Henson, J. M., & Reynoldson, K. R. (2020). The development and validation of stem major embeddedness and university embeddedness scales. Human Performance, 33(5).
Bauer, E. A., Braitman, A. L., Judah, M. R., & Cigularov, K. P. (2020). Worry as a mediator between psychosocial stressors and emotional sequelae: Moderation by contrast avoidance. Journal of Affective Disorders, 266, 456-464. https://doi
Kravchenko, O. G., Cigularov, K., & Dillulio, P. (2020). Understanding the Demands and Resources for Academic Success of Second Career Undergraduate Engineering Students Compared to Traditional Undergraduate and Graduate Engineering Students. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. DOI: 10.18260/1-2--35430
Sawhney, G., & Cigularov, K. P. (2019). Examining attitudes, norms, and control toward safety behaviors as mediators in the leadership-safety motivation relationship. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 237-256. (Paper received Editor Commendation)
Kao, K. -Y., Spitzmueller, C., Serrano, S., Cigularov, K. P. & Thomas, C. (2019). Linking safety knowledge to safety performance: A moderated mediation of supervisor and worker safety attitudes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(2), 206-220.
DeArmond, S., Bass, B. I., Cigularov, K. P., Chen, P. Y., & Moore, J. T. (2018). Leadership and safety: The role of goal commitment. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(2), 182-198.
Johnson, S. K., Putter, S., Reichard, R. J., Hoffmeister, K., Cigularov, K. P., Gibbons, A. M., Chen, P. Y., & Rosecrance, J. C. (2017). Mastery goal orientation and performance affect the development of leader efficacy during leader development. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 25(1), 30-46.
Cabrera-Caban, E., Garden, R., White, A., & Reynoldson, K. (2016). Mindfulness-based interventions: A brief review of their application to graduate student strain. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist 54(4).
Bass, B. I., Cigularov, K. P., Chen, P., Henry, K., Tomazic, R., & Li, Y. (2016). The effects of student violence against school employees on employee burnout and school engagement: The roles of perceived school unsafety and transformational leadership. International Journal of Stress Management, 23(3), 318-336.
Kao, K. -Y., Spitzmueller, C., Cigularov, K. P., & Wu, H. (2016). Linking insomnia to workplace injuries: A moderated mediation model of supervisor safety priority and safety behavior. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(1), 91-104.
Iorger, M., Henry, K. L., Chen, P. Y., Cigularov, K. P., & Tomazic, R. G. (2015). Beyond same-sex attraction: Gender-variant-based victimization is associated with suicidal behavior and substance use for other-sex attracted adolescents. PLoS ONE, 10(6).