Phil Dillulio, M.S.

I am a Doctoral Candidate in Dr. Konstantin Cigularov's L.E.A.D (Leadership and Employee Assessment and Development) Lab. I am passionate about leadership. My research and consulting work have focused on designing, delivering, and evaluating leadership development programs, and better understanding the effects of different leadership styles in the workplace. Prior to joining ODU, I completed my B.S in Sport and Exercise Psychology at West Virginia University in 2013 and earned my M.S in the same field of study in 2015 at Temple University, in Philadelphia, PA. In 2018, I earned my M.S in Industrial - Organizational Psychology from ODU.
Recent Publications
Cigularov, K. P., & Dillulio, P. (2020). Does rater job position matter in training needs assessment? A study of municipal employees in the USA. International Journal of Training and Development, 24(4), 337-356.
Kravchenko, O. G., Cigularov, K., & Dillulio, P. (2020). Understanding the Demands and Resources for Academic Success of Second Career Undergraduate Engineering Students Compared to Traditional Undergraduate and Graduate Engineering Students. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.